
Showing posts from October, 2009


Congratulations!! You took a pregnancy test and it came out positive. Then you scheduled a consult and tour at our birth center. And while you visited us, we put together an estimate for your insurance coverage. Most people really don't understand how their insurance plans actually work. I mean, they understand that they have insurance but they often don't understand why they have to pay anything out of pocket or a how we come up with the estimate, so we thought we would help break this down for you.  But first: there are different ways people obtain insurance plans. Some employers include insurance plans are a benefit to working with their company. Employers will contract with different insurance companies and each employer might offer different plans to different employees, so just because you have Cigna, as an example, it doesn't mean all Cigna plans are the same. Also, some people purchase their own insurance plans directly from insurance companies or from the Marketpla...

Postpartum Depression: A Dad's View

This came across my email from and I wanted to share it with everyone. Too often we forget to address the family and Dad's are left on the sideline trying to decipher their role and emotions. The above website is linked to ours and I highly recommend visiting for current info on the subject for all family members? By Derek Trlica Being stressed out is normal for new parents. Most of the time, what we're stressed out about is just that: simple stress. But sometimes, there's more to it than just that. Sometimes, our stress relates to more emotional issues. On the night my wife and I learned she was pregnant, the first thing I did was run to the computer and research fetal alcohol syndrome. I couldn't stop thinking about those four little glasses of wine my wife had drunk during a recent wine-tasting trip to Walla Walla. I was deep into WebMD when she said, "Hello? Can we, you know, connect and be happy about having a baby?" All I said wa...
As a busy mom who always recommends tracking personal menstruel cycle I realized I hadn't in a very long time! I used to be able to tell you the hour I would start my cycle....gone are those days with three boys and a full time job. But recently I started up again with a pen and calander next to my toilet. I track everything from food cravings, bloating, acne, loss of patience, to actual start and stop of cycle. For natural family planning this can be a quick and easy way to track your mucous and temps as well. Below is from an article I read and though I would share. Found it all to be quite empowering to really know what my body was doing and even to be able to anticipate so I could start prevented therapies.....especially for my moods:)! When your doctor asks you for the first day of your last period, are you someone who can tick the date off without thinking, or are you like most women who stare blankly at the doctor’s calendar, guesstimating the date? If you’re in the seco...