
Congratulations!! You took a pregnancy test and it came out positive. Then you scheduled a consult and tour at our birth center. And while you visited us, we put together an estimate for your insurance coverage. Most people really don't understand how their insurance plans actually work. I mean, they understand that they have insurance but they often don't understand why they have to pay anything out of pocket or a how we come up with the estimate, so we thought we would help break this down for you.  But first: there are different ways people obtain insurance plans. Some employers include insurance plans are a benefit to working with their company. Employers will contract with different insurance companies and each employer might offer different plans to different employees, so just because you have Cigna, as an example, it doesn't mean all Cigna plans are the same. Also, some people purchase their own insurance plans directly from insurance companies or from the Marketpla...

Veg Fest 2008

Rebecca my assistant and I attended the VEGFEST in Orlando this weekend. Our thought was that these would be natural minded, even like minded people with good health concious thoughts toward food and bodies, natural medicine, ect. Well, for the most part we were correct. I had not counted on the amount of people that are so into animals rights compared to the people I thought would be so pro active about vegetation. I guess I thought the focus would be ON vegetables, not on ANTI MEAT. Focus on the good, people, focus on the good!!

Any way, our first guest at our table stated that she was shocked that we had little pillows that represent the growth and development of a baby inside the womb. Her question was not a typical one that I am presented with. Hers was "So, you are pro-life?", to which I reply "YUP. I am holding a 3 year old in my lap. I own a birth center. I have baby pillows representing fetal development. Yeah, I am pretty much considered pro-life". She says..."funny that you would come to our festival since so many of us  are PROCHOICE" to which I come back with "so you will protect the rights of an animal, but not that of an unborn baby? It is not okay to eat an animal but it is alright to kill a baby?"

Let me just clarify here that I do not judge anyone for things they have done. We will all be judged, we all make our own peace with our Maker for our mistakes. It is not my place to judge anyone who has gone through or chosen an abortion. But I do not believe that abortion should be used as birth control. Nor do I believe that if my teen daughter became pregnant that I would encourage her or even allow her to abort her baby. Not as punishment to her for having sex, but why should a baby die because she was irresponsible? What is wrong with adoption? and you ask, what about in the case of rape? Well, I guess I would feel it was God's will. Agree with my opinion or not, I don't care, it is my opinion. I will stand for what I believe and if one does not like it, sorry, too bad. I didn't say anyone had to agree with it, just repect that each person has his or her own I said, I am not judging anyone for anything they have done.

My point is that I thought a veg fest would focus on the awesome power of vegetables. They heal our bodies. That is why God created these incredible foods for us. But I can't find anywhere in the bible that it says not to eat meat. I do see where it says "thou shalt not kill", but I think it meant other people not animals. I respect vegetarians, I find them to be well educated on their food sources. I see their point. I just thought the festival would focus on the veggies!!

We met some awesome people and met up with some of our friends also. I found out that I love Joe's natural veggie chips, but didn't like paying $4.00 for a cup of lemonade. Maybe it was organic lemonade...the Indian food smelled divine, and there were alot of dogs at the veg fest. Hmmm....I thought canines had canine teeth to eat meat that they hunted to keep the circle of life in balance. There was one table there selling vegetarian dog food, but I gotta kinda wonder about that. Try selling it to a pack of wolves compared to a tasty bunny rabbit. 

Have a great day, and if you did not agree with my post, DON'T JUDGE! Listen to eachother and love one another...and EAT YOUR VEGETABLES! 


MrsSoersdal said…
Spare a fish and kill a fetus, eh? That was indeed the height of hypocrisy. Good for you, giving her what for :)
Mommy said…
I love your blog! And I especially loved this post!

I have had two in FL. My Midwife was Karen Kennedy.

Anyway, I love your writing style and sense of humor. :)

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