
Showing posts from August, 2010


Congratulations!! You took a pregnancy test and it came out positive. Then you scheduled a consult and tour at our birth center. And while you visited us, we put together an estimate for your insurance coverage. Most people really don't understand how their insurance plans actually work. I mean, they understand that they have insurance but they often don't understand why they have to pay anything out of pocket or a how we come up with the estimate, so we thought we would help break this down for you.  But first: there are different ways people obtain insurance plans. Some employers include insurance plans are a benefit to working with their company. Employers will contract with different insurance companies and each employer might offer different plans to different employees, so just because you have Cigna, as an example, it doesn't mean all Cigna plans are the same. Also, some people purchase their own insurance plans directly from insurance companies or from the Marketpla...

08/26/10 A second birth today!!

Welcome to the world baby boy! Mom Shannon and Dad Jeffrey welcome their son. He weighed in at 8.2 and came in 'sunny side up' meaning his face was straight up (hardest) compared to straight down (easiest). Shannon & Jeff will announce their son's name tomorrow, but even without his formal name yet, he sure is cute!! ~Your Heart 2 Heart Birth Center team: Michelle, Kaleen, Rebecca & Jessica~

08/26/10 Penelope born on Mom's Birthday!!

Baby girl Penelope was just born minutes ago, waiting till 12:01am to be born on her Mom's birthday! Congratulations to Rachyl & Joel! ~Your Heart 2 Heart Birth Center team: Michelle, Kaleen, Rebecca & Jessica~

8/23/10 Birth of Avery!

Announcing the full moon birth of Miss Avery Rose born this evening at 9:22 pm to Mama Melisa & Daddy Jason and big brother Cohen. ~Your Heart 2 Heart Birth Center team: Michelle, Kaleen, Rebecca & Jessica~

8/22/10 Caleb's Birth!

Caleb Robert weighing in at a mighty 6lb 12oz at 805 Congrats to new Mommie and Papa Cynthia and Robert. Caleb is a water baby! ~Your Heart 2 Heart Birth Center team: Michelle, Kaleen, Rebecca & Jessica~

Event Reminder tomorrow at H2H

Gentle reminder, dear friends! Tomorrow is the Alora Danielle Foundation Fundraiser at Heart 2 Heart. Silent auction, facials, haircuts, henna tattoos, mini massages, ect! Come visit and help out a good cause! ~Michelle Gawne, LM CPM~ Heart 2 Heart Birth Center

08/11/10 Birth of Naiomi Jade

Christina and David announce the birth of their daughter Naiomi Jade Born 8/11 @ 5:56pm weighing 7lb 4oz ~Michelle Gawne, LM CPM~ Heart 2 Heart Birth Center

08/13/10 Welcome Libbie

Elizabeth McBride Briggs on 8/13 at 313pm 8lb 2oz 21in long- Congrats Katheryn, Michael, Wilson and Gaston! ~Michelle Gawne, LM CPM~ ~Kaleen Richards, ARNP CNM~ Heart 2 Heart Birth Center

08/08/10: Mercy's Birth

Congratulations to Jordan & Josiah who delivered baby girl Mercy who weighed in at 7 pounds. She was born at 7:24 this morning. Welcome Mercy!! ~Michelle Gawne, LM CPM~ Heart 2 Heart Birth Center

8/3/10 Birth of Baby Luke

Congratulating Bianca & Michael & family on the birth of Baby Boy Luke. He weighed in at 7.6 pounds! ~Michelle Gawne, LM CPM~ Heart 2 Heart Birth Center

08/05/10 Birth of Baby River

08/05/10: Baby Boy River Owen, weighing in at 10.3 was born this morning at 1:53 to Ashley & Nate! River is Ashley & Nate's second baby with Heart 2 Heart. ~Michelle Gawne, LM CPM~ Heart 2 Heart Birth Center

08/01/10: Birth of Jayden!

Congratulations to Candace & her family on the birth of her son Jayden! ~Michelle Gawne, LM CPM~ Heart 2 Heart Birth Center